Friday, November 29, 2019

General Psychology an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by

General Psychology The experiment conducted on Albert if done in the present day can be in different ways or can be not as harsh as compared to what had been done to the child. The test on the emotions of the child particularly the determination of fear by observing his reaction from making a sharp noise could be traumatic for a child and could have complex effects on him in the future. The determination of fear from Alberts reaction to the stimuli cannot be used to generalize the reactions of babies for some babies have a unique psychological make-up. This, therefore, limits the experiment and is not really designed to provide empirical generalizations to a larger population. Need essay sample on "General Psychology" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed College Students Very Often Tell EssayLab professionals: How much do I have to pay someone to make my essay now? Professional writers suggest: Follow Essaylab Writing Service The thing learned about these subjects cannot be used to describe parameters for any population. The small size of experimental and control groups also limits generalizing from the experimental results. (Methods for Social Researchers in Developing Countries, Chapter 9) The size of the experimental group is so limited and could have done to a larger group in order to arrive in a general conclusion. If the experiment will be conducted in the present day, there are high-tech equipments that can be used. Electronic devices can now be attached to the person to determine his psychological reaction to stimuli and may not be so harsh for the subject to have complex effects in the future. In the case of Albert, psychologists were not able to remove or detach the conditioned emotional responses from Albert since he was taken from the hospital hence, this will be affecting him the rest of his life. This could be done better in the present time with all the state-of-the art and complicated equi pments. However, psychologists should be cognizant that subjecting human beings to an experiment nowadays is a violation of a persons rights to self-determination. In subjecting human beings to an experiment Psychologists respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination. (Ethical Principles, 2003) Alberts reaction of fear in experimental stimuli had deprived him of his natural development of feeling this fear in a certain period of his life. And this is a conspicuous violation of his rights and dignity. Furthermore, in subjecting more babies to this similar experimentation is hardly possible and would be a violation of the ethical principles. Another ethical principle to be considered in this case is that Psychologists strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm. In their professional actions, psychologists seek to safeguard the welfare and rights of those with whom they interact professionally and other affected persons (Ethical Principles, 2003) In case of Albert, psychologists were not able to condition him back to his normal state because he was taken out from the hospital. This for sure will affect his behavior for the rest of his life. This is again a violation of the ethical Principle on Beneficence and Nonmaleficence. If similar experiment would be conducted in the present time, this can be avoided by getting a proper agreement and consent from the parents stating the period of the consummation of the experiment. In this way, psychologist will be able to have ample time to correct any harm done to the subject of the experiment. In Harlows Nature of love, he attempted to study the behavior of the monkeys particularly their development and love with their mother. This was an attempt to understand how the human beings particularly the children would behave in the same situation. However, there may be a problem in utilizing monkeys in the depiction of human feelings for the question arises if animals like monkeys actually depict human feelings. In the article A Critique on Maternal Deprivation Experiments on Primates it states that One of the difficulties in modeling human behavior through monkey behavior is that the latter varies significantly among different species, as can be seen in "depression-like," social status, aggressive, and child-care behaviors. It is therefore difficult to find subjects to an experimental research that can actually present human tendencies and behavior. In the same article it continued by asserting that given the considerable difficulty in determining which species and which experi mental manipulation most clearly resemble human depression, it is hardly surprising that researchers have had difficulty in choosing a model on a scientific basis and have rather relied on non-scientific factors such as availability, expedience, convenience, and personal experience. (State University of New York Science Health Center) In the present day, a continued search for animals which can really depict human behavior must be conducted but the use of these animals must conform to the standards set by the American Psychological Association or APA. The use of monkeys in continuing the experiment in relation to this must be justified but only if the research should be undertaken with a clear scientific purpose. There should be a reasonable expectation that the research will increase knowledge of the process underlying the evolution, development, maintenance, alteration, control, or biological significance of behavior.(Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals) Harlows objective in studying monkeys was to understand the behavior of the children based on the outcome of the study that would provide additional knowledge particularly in development and behavior. And in order to continue the justification of the research the psychologist should keep an eye on the research and the condition of the animals in the duration of an investigation. In the present day, the use of animals in any endeavor is guided by law on animal rights making sure that they are not subjected to cruelty and harm. Harlow in his experiment deprived monkeys of maternal love which could be emotionally harmful if viewed in animal rights perspective. If monkeys do not totally depict human behavior, then the use of monkeys in an experiment should be minimized if not totally stopped. The study of the human behavior should rely on human personal experiences with the use of confiscated technologies and not harming them at the same time. However, if similar experiment is to be cond ucted in the present day, the use of high-tech observation tools and gadgets will surely minimize emotional harm and trauma to the subjects of an experiment. Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment on humans to determine their obedience to authority. He posted an ad to a newspaper and when these people agreed to be Milgrams subjects they also had to follow what he had to say. In his experiment it was noted that Milgram used only men as subjects. This may not be a representative sample of the population as Gary Sturt in his article said that the sample was self-selecting. We must question whether or not Milgram had a representative sample, by using this study. Milgram chose to study only men, but from a variety of backgrounds and different ages. You might say that by using men this produced a sample that was biased, or did not reflect the general population. Men are thought to be more aggressive than women, so it would make sense to begin a series of experiments with them. (Sturt) However, in later time he conducted another study with women and got the same result. There was also a question on the fact that the men were paid to be the subj ects of the experiment and gives an idea that they are only obeying because they were paid for the experiment and the feeling that they cannot withdraw from the experiment because they did not have a choice could affect the outcome of the study. If a study is to be conducted today, the subjects must be informed properly of the experiment and their rights in undergoing it. An experiment must not violate some ethical guidelines such deceiving the subject, by not telling them about the real objective of the investigation. In this regards, an article on A Level of Psychology states in its analysis of Milgrams experiment that, we would have to balance any criticisms with a consideration as to the necessity of deception. The main problem is one of demand characteristics, whereby if a subject knows the true purpose of an experiment, he might behave differently.(Sturt). In this article, the author also presented the ethical considerations on Milgrams work such as deception, protection of participants, consent, withdrawal from the investigation, and observation. And if another experiment is to be conducted today these ethical issues must be appropriately addressed so as to make the investigation flawless and can be indeed considered as the basis for further studies. The issue on deception can be addressed by informing the subjects on the real purpose of the investigation and their consent must be freely given to the point that they can withdraw anytime from the experiment if they want to. However, the same experiment can be done and reso lved in the present day by utilizing the prisoners in penitentiary, correctional, and others including men and women as subjects of the experiment by using observation method. In this way, psychologist can obtain real life observations and knowledge relative to obedience to authority. Subjecting the prisoners in the study can be a good representative sample of the population considering the fact that they all acted in their own free will in disobeying authority. BIBLIOGRAPHY ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGISTS AND CODE OF CONDUCT Effective date June 1, 2003.Copyright 2002 American Psychological Association. Harlow, Harry F., Monkey Love Experiments. The Adoption History Project. Harlow, Harry F. The Nature of Love (1958)[1].University of Wisconsin Christopher D. Green York University, Toronto, Ontario.ISSN 1492-3173> Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals. APA Board of Scientific Affairs Committee on Animal Research and Ethics Medical Research Modernization Committee. A Critique of Maternal Deprivation Experiment on Primates>

Monday, November 25, 2019

The breakthrough innovation of Samsungs Tablet The WritePass Journal

The breakthrough innovation of Samsungs Tablet Introduction The breakthrough innovation of Samsungs Tablet AbstractIntroductionGroup information:Industrial / company setting:Geographical setting:Aims and Objectives:The problem:MethodologyLiterature Review:Sources of Innovation:Patterns of innovation:Types of innovation:Data and Findings:Conclusions:References:Related Abstract The innovation is a tricky business. The public response to the innovation may be very unexpectedly. The tablet PC is a revolutionary innovation that reduced the size of the laptop. The integrated features of the tablet are very attractive. It is smart device that is very much wanted solution to the customers. The project is about the source of innovation and the types and patterns of innovation for the newly designed device named Galaxy tab PC. The importance of its innovation is to upgrade the technology one step ahead. The upgrading of the cell phones plus the computer features and incorporating them all in one device called tablet was a hell of an innovation. The information about the tablet is gathered through the literature reviews of the articles present in the journals. The surveys are read and the secondary data about the Samsung tablet helped us through the research. The public responded unexpectedly in different areas of the world when it was launched. The business profess ionals did not get along with the size of the galaxy tablet. The youngsters and the frequently travelling people liked it. but still the innovation was not as big as ipod was. It couldn’t replace the ipod. So the public acceptance for the tablet turned out to be like people were not expecting a thing as minor as the size to be the problem. I learnt that creating something new is a very risky business. People may or may not want to change their ways of seeing technology so when it comes to a technology then it should be friendly enough to meet all the requirements that the previous technology was unable to meet. We were motivated to find a good interest of people for the tablet technology. The type of innovation was a revolutionary innovation just like the computers came around as a breakthrough but the tablet PCs couldn’t reach that level. Introduction Overview: This project entails detailed information about the innovation embedding in the Samsung. Samsung is a South Korean company that started in 1938 as the trade export company of perishable things. But later Samsung started manufacturing the electronic devices. The breakthrough in the innovation interested the government and many investors to put in more efforts in the research and development. This project tracks the overall details on the sources of innovation and its journey through the development of the new product of Samsung named Tablet PC Galaxy tab. This is a new launch is a lot of expectations are there from the customers because it has been installed with the best applications demanded by the customers. Group information: Group members names This project is basically about the topics of â€Å"sources of innovation† and â€Å"types and patterns of innovation† in the product Galaxy Tablet of Samsung. We chose these topics because the electronics devices are nowadays the most prevailing and demanded by customers. The increase in the versatile use of technology like mobile phones and laptops is like a necessity to everyone, ranging from student to highly skilled professionals. The innovation in the technology is so interesting that we decided to choose our favorite and also most famous electronics company nowadays. It’s not only famous in South Korea but it has grabbed a large share in the global market. The reliability and demand of its products are a source of quality life and symbol for good tastes. The tablet took a huge investment in its new product development life cycle. Industrial / company setting: The project is done through the industrial setting because there are a lot of interesting researches done on the Samsung progress that caught our attention and interest. It is interesting to know how the innovation management became the crucial part for the success of the digital equipment manufactured by Samsung as compared to its competitors. This innovation boost made its way to the global market and South Korea stamped its quality by doing exports to the rest of the world in its leading technology. The reason to choose the industrial setting is that there were a lot of other companies already present in 1969 when Samsung started manufacturing but Samsung competed with all of those companies. No wonder this aggressively competing trend and unique way of improving Its technology was the reason it grabbed a quick place in the world of technology. The progress has been improving ever since and quality is remarkable. Geographical setting: The country chosen is South Korea. The reason to choose South Korea is that USA has already made its name in the field of technology and development but South Korea started its technology improvement in the 1960’s and soon it was able to compete with the USA’s top most high tech innovation industry. Samsung competed not only in the innovation of its technology but also through its strategies to market its electronic devises and gained success in just a couple of decades. Aims and Objectives: The aims of this project is to learn about the implementation of the theories of the innovation management and apply this knowledge at the new innovation named tablet of Samsung in the real business world. The objectives of this project are: To learn the ways of the development of new technology of tablet in a unique way. To learn about the sources of innovation that triggered the development of tablet. To understand the pattern and types of innovation in Samsung. To learn how the industry accepted and supported the new technology. How Samsung made its way to create its place in the world of technology smart companies? The problem: Our motivation to work on this topic is that innovation is a tricky procedure. The public may or may not accept the up coming product. There has to be an extensive research to make the new product a success. What are the concerns of the new product development or innovation for its success? The problem under focus is â€Å"Is innovation of Tablet going to be easily accepted by the public?† Methodology The research methodology for this project involves extensive research and analysis of using qualitative research methods including journal articles, periodicals, newspaper articles, international journal articles, and online publications. Our group efforts have been made to make this project a complete and as transparent as possible to achieve the highest levels of precision and accuracy. The work is done with proper justification of each point described. The secondary data is being reviewed to conduct the research. Literature Review: The literature review has been done through the electronic libraries of LSE and MiddleSex Universities. The secondary data had been the part of the literature resources available on the internet. The review of these articles and journals broadened our knowledge of innovation sources and the patterns and types. The surveys had been done to observe the innovation. Samsung started in 1938. It was not an electronics company in the beginning as mentioned above.   In 1969, the revolutionary innovation boosted the company to manufacture the electronic devices. South Korea, started its innovation revolution journey in 1960s when the government invested in science research and development to make South Korea a major innovator of scientific technologies. This was a turning point for Samsung in 1969 when it started manufacturing the electronic devices. These devices are now prevalent all over the world. The digital products of Samsung are worldly recognized and reputed for their quality. The breakthrough triggered in 1980’s when the private companies invested more in the technology development. The government slowed down its investment but for sure there was a sudden demand of techno-smart machinery. The advancement occurred when during 1990’s the innovation phase started and the exploring of emerging technologies started. In 1998 the government doubled its investment in the research and development of the technology and the workforce was increased.   (Temporal 2006) The constant innovation and competitive experts in technology raised the quality of the products and entered in the digital age with revolutionary change and opportunity. Going to the official webpage of the Samsung its clear how many awards have been won by Samsung electronics. (Samsung 2010) In 1993, the Chairman of Samsung stressed on the increased branding and advertising of the innovative development of the Samsung digital devices. The completely bureaucratic and centralized organization of Samsung has developed in its research and development capabilities to compete with the next century demands. Samsung is famous with its LCD and plasma flat screens. The quality of the vacuum cleaner and the rest of its electronics products is remarkable. This characteristic paved the way of many developing technology organizations to partner with Samsung and help innovating the technology in the new and interesting ways. The mobile phones of Samsung are famous with their sound quality and camera resolution. This is due to the constant and consistent efforts of the research and development department of the Samsung. The awards winnings for its technology is written all over the profile of the Samsung website. All of the technology journals are full of the remarkable intelligence of the engineers of Samsung electronics. The innovation cycle of Samsung continues in the 2000’s and on 11August 2010, Samsung is going to launch a new breakthrough technology named Samsung Tablet Pc. The model of tablet is Galaxy Tab GT-P1000. The tablet is the excellent innovation that combines the features of a laptop and those of the cell phone. Just like the iphone it has got the operating system and the RAM of as much as 512MB.   There is 15GB internal memory and the 32 GB micro SD card. It displays the 16millions color capacity and is 7 inches TFT screen with the resolution of 1024 X 600 pixels. It has the feature of the internet and wireless synchronization. The video call facility that makes one feel like you are talking to a person like if s/he is standing right in front of you. The wonder battery life of 12 hours and the voice quality is sheer. The network coverage is remarkable. It is quite compact weighing only 380gm. There are other applications in the tablet like the alarm clock, messaging service, m ovies, weather, news, mobile games and applications. The soft wares like the MS office suite to make it suitable for the professionals use. The office soft wares are making it very demanding for the business class. (Samsung 2010) Sources of Innovation: Samsung has been working with multiple sources of innovation. The first source of innovation is the government interest and investment in the innovation in the technology especially the mobile phones and accessories. The second sources of innovation are the users as they are the key users of the technology. The mobile users are coming up with a new demand everyday. Samsung gets the feedback of its customers and innovates the accessories and embed them in different new mobile phones providing diversified mobile phone set to the demanding users. (Hippel 1988) Another source of innovation in Samsung is through the joint venture with other partnership organizations. The university of Cape town has recently done partnership with Samsung mobiles to innovate the new mobile phones applications. These are in response to the African needs. The UCT Samsung Mobile Innovation Laboratory (SMILe) is the Samsung’s first manufacturing unit in Africa. This lab had been made to operate for three years. The partners in this project are the Information Systems and Computer science departments, also the Cape IT Incubator and Bandwidth Barn. This laboratory is the effort of the UCT professor named Jean Paul Ven Belle who is the head of Information Systems. The GM of Bandwidth Barn is confident that the new prototypes have been developed by the senior students of the Computer Science department under the guidance of the staff. This source of innovation is users plus manufacturers combined effort that will open new ideas to the world.(sinha 2011) One big source of innovation is the competitor’s latest products. The increasing demands of the customers are diversified and combining them all in one set is a difficult task. Vodafone, T-Mobiles, O2, Motorolla are the key competitors that are competing with the mobile phones of Samsung. One big competitor is Nokia. These companies are all struggling to manufacture the newest and updated versions of the previous devices.(Gossling 2011) The research and development department of Samsung has been working hard. The continuous feedback obtained through the online surveys give new ideas. The focus groups always come up with the new demands. All of new ideas are incorporated in the new technology. The source of innovation for the Samsung Tablet PC was the increased rate of the demands for the cell phones that contain the capabilities of the cell phone as well as the computer. The devices that is as small as a mobile phone and as big as to work comfortably like a laptop of small size. The size of the tablet is 7 inches which is appropriate for the frequent use like a computer. It is a mini computer that facilitates with all of the capabilities of the cell phone too. The consumers demand for the i-phones, and i-mates was increasing. The demand for the ipods to listen to music all the time anywhere also increased. This gave Samsung an idea that there should be a device with innovation in design that contains all of these features as one unit. This gave the idea of the tablet PC. The popularity of the tablet was worth watching when the competitors were unable to incorporate the camera and facilitates with the wireless coverage. Patterns of innovation: The patterns and types of the innovation depends upon the electronic devise under more demand. The type of innovation in cell phones is different for different customers likewise the other technology. The pattern of the innovation ranges from the invention of the new technology and its total life cycle and then the marketing strategies to create the product demand in the market. Samsung has increased its demand by opening the sales and design centers in different countries that contribute greatly in the market share. The countries like USA, Germany, Middle East Countries and Brazil have been demanding the high quality products of Samsung.(Hussain 2006) There are multiple patterns of innovation. One of these patterns is Technology Push or science push innovation. The new invention is push to the market with the help of the Research and development, productions and sales departments with little consideration as to if this invention is going to satisfy the consumer needs or not. This is called the science push model or the linear model of innovation. Another pattern of innovation is the market pull or market driven innovation. This is the type of innovation used by Samsung. Market creates the need for a unique feature in the product and then the research and development starts to work on it. Most of the products of Samsung are manufactured after knowing what the customer wants. A pattern often observed now which has been created by the government interest and investment in the technology is the Innovation double helix. This is like the DNA structure but one spiral of the structure shows the science and the engineering of the technolog y skills. The other spiral is the marketing, management and entrepreneurial skills. The joint ventures of the Samsung with other collaborating parties are working on this pattern. This depends on the type of the innovation. The mobile phones joint venture with the UCT is the example of innovation double helix. The industrial partners are also working on the same pattern. Another pattern is the integrative approach to Tech-push and market pull. This is the combination of the market push and market pull patterns. Samsung is working on this technique on the products like the LCD and plasma TV. The radical pattern is the new and different element which changes the whole technology. This is a technology that is working on the robots in Samsung or the highly specialized with custom details devices or machinery. The tablet is the example of radical pattern of innovation. The incremental pattern of innovation is very commonly observed in the mobile phones. This pattern deals with the improv ing versions of the Samsung mobile phones. Just like the memory cards are coming with higher capacity. And the cameras of the mobiles are coming with the better resolution. The revolutionary innovation is the breakthrough introducing a new industry. The evolutionary innovation pattern is like the incremental product or process improvement. All of these patterns of innovation are being used in one way or the other. (huang 2010) The tablet PC, Galaxy Tab GT-P1000 had the innovation pattern of revolutionary innovation with the mix of the radical pattern of innovation. The invention of Tablet was a breakthrough as the design and shape of the touch screen almost as big as a cell phone was a new look. The incorporation of the cell phones features was like the incremental innovation pattern but this hybrid of innovation patterns for sure brought the technology of advance digital age that left a mark in the history of the technological developments. Galaxy tablets are claimed to the thinnest and lightest weight gadgets that are portable and customer friendly. The introduction to the customers was amazing as the response of the people was like booking of millions of tablets the day it was launched. Many people say that the size of the tablet is not palm friendly but still they use it because of its marvelous features. The patterns of innovation of tablet PC are highly thought and well tested during the manufacturin g. Types of innovation: Samsung uses the multiple types of innovation. The type of innovation depends upon the type of product that requires the innovation techniques. The sector creating innovations are the specific kind of innovation e.g. the plasma TV. These TV’s are sector specific like the higher middle class or the elite class will want to purchase the flat screen plasma. The performance extending innovation is used in the mobile phones where the performance of the mobiles is extended with the incremental innovation of the product development. The technological reorganization is also the incremental innovation of the technology. The old cathode ray TV’s are now replaces with the flat screens. But this replacement is not completely done to make the cathode ray tv obsolete. The innovation of the plasma screens was the reorganization of the technology. Branding innovation is done with each version having the different brand name. likewise the mobile sets have different faces thus different model numbers. So the innovation is done with the brand names put ahead. Design innovation is the type where the design of the product is considered while manufacturing. E.g, the vacuum cleaners with the shapes of dogs or a robot is the design innovation. The design of the pre-existing thing is re-modeled and refigured to create the new look for the customers. The process innovation is the technology plus the management type innovation. Basically this revolves around the complete process of innovation, managing innovation, marketing and advertising the technology such that the strategy is formed. This is the way the product is engineered phase by phase. The management and monitoring for success is done throughout the process of product development life cycle. Along with this the strategies to offer the product and creating awareness amongst the customers is concerned this is all done through this type. This is an extensive process. Reformulation is the type of innovation where the t echnology item is recreated altogether. This is the reengineering of the existing product. The service innovation is the total managerial policy. The strategy to target which segment and then how to create the awareness of the need amongst the customers. The packaging innovation is the attractive new package to attract the customers to go for it. For example the new colors of the mobile phones and the versatile laptop flap covers that can be replaced very easily are the examples of the packaging innovation. Great deal of art work and redesigning and beautification of the technology products is involved. This is also an extensive procedure.(huang 2010) Samsung Tablet PC Galaxy tab GT-P1000 is the design innovation type of innovation. The design of the tablet was the breakthrough and unique of its kind. Its extensive product development life cycle managed to create the demand in the market. As it was a market wanted product as the pattern of innovation shows that it was a market pull product, so it was very much manufactured thinking about the needs of the customers. The customers pattern of use of cell phone plus the laptops was greatly researched. The launch of the tablet was very much appreciated by the customers. It was long advertised and marketed for the home customers and the business customers. The use of the tablet is like replace the blackberries. The total procedure of the innovation was made to be such that it is demanded by all types of customers. The ages of the customers and the usability of the devices was greatly researched to innovate the product that meets the demands of the maximum types of customers.(OConnel 200 5) Data and Findings: The innovation is a completely risky process. This may or may not get accepted by the people. In order to make it appropriate for the high levels of sales, it needs to be public/consumers interacted during the developmental process. The tablet market is increasingly exploding. According to an online research and the focus group discussions, 6% of the people want to purchase the tablet in the next six months time period. (Richard 2011) the likelihood of 6% to purchase the netbook, 14% to purchase the smart phone, 14% to purchase the windows based laptops or computers, shows that the tablet is not going to finish these categories. Using these statistics there is still expectation for the selling of 360,000 tablets at the end of the spring in UK. The rumors about the buying of the tablets shows that the apple ipod are not going make much sales next year. These next twelve months are going to change the purchase patterns of the customers. The innovation is highly appreciated and also con sidered as a style. The customer friendly feature of the tablets gave Samsung once again a bloom in the consumer market. There are quite a lot of complaints from the customers showing that the size of the device is not appropriate. The size is not palm friendly and at the same time its very interesting gadget. The popularity of the tablets is seems amongst the frequent travelers. Conclusions: The Samsung tablet Galaxy tab GT-P1000 shows that innovation is helping a great deal in changing the look of the technology. The launch of the tablet pc was a marvelous innovation that was a designed innovation to meet the increasing demands of the customers. The customers responded to Samsung as soon as the Tablet was launched. The popularity was gained all of a sudden but due to the unfriendly size of the gadget, it did not make a big success like the ipod had done. Samsung has its quality and the customers trust that. The new development of the device was greatly accepted by the people who travel very often and commute long distances. It could not grab the market share of the blackberries or other professional devices available in the market offering business applications. The expectations were high of this device. The uniqueness was expected to prevail but couldn’t make it. The companies researching on how to make it customer friendly in terms of its size are working in the right direction. If the size of the tablet is reduced and the features are enhanced it will for sure be a highly demanded product like the laptops and the ipods were. The innovation should be appreciated but it should be worked well with all the risks. The continuous feedback from the customers for their needs is a good idea. So the companies much not invest too much in the products development and ignore the market aspects of the product that suffice. References: Gossling, R. (2011) Samsun Phones. EzineArticles, 1-2. Hippel, E. V. (1988). Sources Of Innovation. New York Oxford University Press. huang, D. J. (2010). Management of Technology Innovation and patterns of innovation. Linghan (University) press: 29-34. Hussain, S. (2006). Samsung Took Advantage of the Olympics. OConnel, P. (2005). Samsungs Goal: Be like BMW. Bloomberg Business Week. Bloomberg, Bloomberg publishers: 1-5. Richard (2011) The Tablet PC market looks promising in 2011. 1-3. Samsung. (2010). Samsungs History. from Samsung (2010) Samsung Tablet PC. Samsung Tablet PC Galaxy Tab GT-P1000 Review 1-2. sinha (2011) Samsung launch innovation partnership with UCT. Temporal (2006). Asias Star Brands. Singapore, John WIleys Sons(Asia) Pte Ltd. [/level-freee-rstricted]

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Juvenile Offenders Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Juvenile Offenders - Term Paper Example Third, majority of the juvenile offenders have a traumatic history which not only questions their mental health but also the efficiency of social institutions such as schools, high schools, hospitals, family and others to ensure proper development of children. Fourth, European Convention of Human Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child and other international charters and conventions clearly state about the right of every person to live and the fact that children can not receive capital punishments. Fifth, the public opinion is supports the stance of this paper. Sixth, capital punishment evades the chance of any individual to prove him or her innocent in future in light of any new developments or evidence. Introduction This paper is an attempt to explore the controversial, serious, and debatable issue about juvenile offenders. The paper discusses the question of legal execution of juvenile offenders who are less than the age of 18 years and have committed a murder. Statement of Problem The paper will take the stance that "Juvenile offenders who commit murder under the age of 18 should not be legally executed". ... First, since the past few years, this issue has been of great attention and debate in the public and expert circles. Second, in light of my personal stance on the topic, I believe that by legal execution of juvenile offenders, the law enforcement agencies are not following but breaking the law and contributing to a crime and it is our responsibility to play our part to stop it. Third, children are the future of any nation and if they are committing such actions then this is a wake up call for all authorities and with the help of this paper, I put emphasis on the fact that it is time for them to sit down and reexamine the entire system and the root cause of the same. Discussion One of most important arguments in opposition of juveniles facing legal execution is the fact that studies have shown that children under the ages of 18 are still in their developmental stages. During this age, juveniles are still immature and they fail to understand the full weight and consequences of their de cision (Siegel & Welsh, 2008). Furthermore, children are more vulnerable to peer-pressure and are more likely to engage in risky behaviors. Since they are developmentally different from adults, they fail to control their temptations and impulses, which make it morally incorrect to treat them as adults or blame them for their actions in the same way as adults (Hesse, Lawrence & Hesse, 2009). That is also the reason why 18 years is the minimum age for every big step in life. There are many countries in the world, which do not allow marriage before the age of 18; in fact, some countries and states extend the same to the limit to the age of 21 (Boesky & American Correctional Association, 2002). Moreover, 18 years is also the minimum age for voting, entering into a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Informal Class Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Informal Class Assessment - Essay Example Likewise, in the employment information, not one shares similar work. On the other hand, in terms of interests, there were three who are fond of sports; one is into hiking; two loves reading (but on different facets); one loves travelling; two are into volunteer work, and one is into art, as well as modeling. Even other noted information was vastly diverse. Due to the diversity of the group in educational background, line of employment, and interests, the topics that could be of interest to the batch could be current events, especially one that is controversial in nature; or a general topic that could appeal to all: food, health, love, or relationships, to name a few. These suggested topics could be tackled with enough authoritative research and by establishing a thesis statement to determine which point of view or contention one would propose. For instance, a current controversial topic on gun ban or gun control could be a subject of discussion based on the amount of current news articles written on the subject. One could even solicit their respective views on the subject regarding their preference for gun ban or gun control and signify one’s stance. The topic of food could also be interesting in terms of arguing whether American society has manifested a food dilemma in terms of exhibiting increasing trends on obesity despite being health conscious on nutritional contents of the food Americans regularly eat. This topic could also lead to health concerns, especially trying to determine whether advertisements pose more threats for the children in promoting food items that endanger their health. As such, despite the disparities in educational backgrounds, employment experiences, interests or hobbies, and plans for the future, there are different interesting topics that one have thought of which could spur the interest of the class as the potential

Monday, November 18, 2019

Understanding values Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Understanding values - Assignment Example An evidence of this is the fact that although people differ on their opinions on a subject, their understanding of what is right or wrong is mostly the same. For example, some people are in favor of legalization of drugs while others are against it, though people on both sides of the argument mutually think that drugs and their influence on the society should be reduced. Even the argument for the legalization of drugs is made with a view to suppressing the frustration and the development and functioning of illegal channels that happens when the drugs are illegalized. The in-born ability, conscience is the word used for which, is guided or influenced by a range of external influences, typically culture and religion. Of all such factors, religion is the most powerful factor that confirms or denies an idea that is considered righteous by our inherent conscience. That is why â€Å"Christianity has often been associated with authority† (11) However, it is needless to say that people voluntarily accept religion and give it that exalted status to dictate values in their lives because of the emotional appeal made to them by the religion. Dictating and establishing values is one of the most fundamental functions of a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Pestel Analysis For New Type Of Solar Panel Engineering Essay

Pestel Analysis For New Type Of Solar Panel Engineering Essay The purpose of this report is to investigate the external business environment for a new type of solar panel that can be fitted into UK homes to generate energy. The report consists of three parts. The first part of the report gives an introduction into solar energy, the present market size and serious market competitors. The second part presents the four key trends obtained using PESTEL analysis, identifying the factors affecting the start-up of a business. The third section reflects upon the future and the obstacles faced by the solar panel/technology industry in the UK. Information used in this report was gathered using internet services such as Google Scholar. All the websites used are referenced at the end of the report. 1.1 Solar Power and Solar Technology Solar energy was first used in the 1860s [1] by Auguste Mouchout, to produce ice by converting solar energy into mechanical energy. He later connected a refrigeration machine to this system to produce ice. In 1883, Charles Fritz converted solar energy into electrical energy. This was the biggest moment in the history of solar technology as scientists had finally found a ray of hope. Solar energy continued to develop in the 20th century. Solar panels were finally developed in 1954 at Bell Laboratories using silicon. By 1990, it was clear that non-renewal fuel would run out and it was essential alternative sources of energy were improved. In the 21st century, solar technology has improved many folds. The conversion rate of solar energy into electrical energy in 1954 was 6% [2]. The facilities present at the Sandia National Laboratories have a conversion rate of 31.25% [3]. Amorphous Solar Cells Crystalline solar PV holds close to 85% of the total market share, leaving the remainder to thin-films [4]. Which are used in a domestic environment. These can be either mounted on roof tops in UK or facing 90 degrees of south. Average solar electricity system cost  £12000 and per kW of electricity cost from  £5000  £8000 but this reduces with time as the system produces more electricity. 1.2 Advantages Producing electricity using solar power provides three main types of benefits: it benefits the environment, the user and the community. Solar power is considered a Green/Clean fuel and renewal. This helps slow down the effects of global warming and keep the environment clean. The benefits for a domestic user are: Cutting the energy bills of the household since electrical energy is being produced from a free source of energy (Sun). Once the initially cost of installation of solar system is covered, the household will have relatively low energy bills. An average UK household can save upto  £140 on energy bills/year [5]. It can provides 24 hour electric supply to a households situated in remote parts of UK If energy has been produced in excess by a domestic user via the solar energy system (SES), then it can be fed back into the national grid. This benefits the community, reduces the use amount of electricity which has to be produced using non-renewal fuels and provides finance for the producer. 1.3 Key UK based Market Competitors Various companies install Solar Electric System (SES) for domestic use. Various non-profit organisation such as Narec [6], Energy Saving Trust UK [7] and The Solar Energy trust UK, promote and support the projects undertaken by companies involved in the solar industry. Microgeneration Certification Scheme [8] ensures that all equipments and services used in the installation of a SES in a domestic surrounding is of the highest standard and is thoroughly examined. Solar Essence Ltd is one of the leading companies which specialise in solar power/heating [9]. Solar Essence is a MCS approved installer of photovoltaic systems. They were heavily involved in the campaign which led to the Climate Change Act 2008. PV Systems established in 1982[10] is the leading provider for Photovoltaic (PV) Systems in the UK. PV Systems designed and installed UKs first fully integrated PV roof in Oxford, UK in 1995. Since then they have installed over 1000 PV Systems. They also work closely with companies such as Sony, Sharp, Mitsubishi and BP Solar; developing and installing smart PV Systems. PV Systems is too a MCS approved company; maintaining the highest standard of services. Energy Development Co-operative Ltd is a company based in Suffolk, UK since 1997. They specialise in providing off-grid solar systems by setting up SES in remote locations. They provide solar systems for various county councils in UK, Universities (Manchester), the BBC, Intel and many more such companies who are trying to reduce their energy bill. We can expect a boom in the Solar Industry in the next decade as more domestic and industrial users switch to green-fuel. Areas of UK, where sun light is available in abundance can expect new companies providing efficient alternative source of energy via the sun; to start operating in their areas as everyone is a winner in such a venture. 1.4 Market Size for Solar Power in the UK Solar energy can be potentially be a large scale/cheap energy provider for UK, especially in the summer months hence making more energy independent from the East. Across the world, the installing of PV increased from 6000 MW in 2008 to 7.3 GW in 2009. UK is expected to have a market size of 60MW in 2010. In order to get a better idea about potential market size for solar power in the UK for the next decade, a study was conducted by Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes (EEPH). Here are the details: A method calculating the usage of Microgeneration technology was created for an earlier study on energy sources; this method was used by EEPH in order to predict the possible number of new installations of solar energy systems on yearly bases from 2010 2020. This method considered the peoples choice for microgeneration technologies. Below are the findings of the study: PV system is expected to have a market of 200,000units/year in 2020; consumers feel they would benefit greatly via Feed-in-tariff (FIT) and the capital cost to set up PV system could be covered via FIT. This is a very realistic with the improvement in the SES technology and funding from the government. In the present time, solar hot water systems are the most preferred choice(from all the microgeneration technologies presently) by domestic users of solar energy, but are expected to decline as other methods such are hot air technology improvise. The competition to sell SES is heating up in the UK. At present, there are three types of companies fighting for the top spot. Firstly the manufacturers, they are becoming more and more like wholesalers, hence affecting the business model of the wholesalers for solar systems. Manufacturers and wholesalers also have to fight large companies which specialise in installing solar systems. A price war is expected to drag the capital cost down for manufacturing, installing and maintaining. This is however an excellent news for the domestic/industrial consumers of solar power. 2 External Business Environment Analysis Using PESTEL The PESTEL model is made of 6 parts. Its designed to provide assistance to an individual or a group of people, making a business decisions. There are various elements (such as new laws and trade deals) which can affect an organisation; PESTEL is used to divide the elements affecting a business into 6 different categories. The six categories are: Political factors. Economic factors. Social factors. Technological factors. Environmental factors. Legal factors. This part of the report will help identify 4 key trends which are most likely to affect a new business in the field of solar industry. 2.1 Political: Government effect and projects This part of the report focuses on plans set by the government and trade associations; resulting in increased usage of renewal fuel, and predict the effect of these plans. The government has two main goals towards reducing the emission of carbon dioxide. They are: By 2020, aim to generate 20% of all British electric supply via renewal sources of energy and by 2050 cut the carbon dioxide emission by 60% for the UK. The present government towards these targets is shown in Figure 5. Earlier to the government announcement, in 2005 various trade associations consisting of over 550 companies addressed the issue of reducing carbon dioxide emission and increase the use of renewal fuels. By 2025 they expect 25% of UK total energy consumption to be produced using renewal sources of energy. [11] Figure 5[17] Shows the government progress towards its 2050 target A new government scheme, which is going to be introduced in April 2011[12] is set to announce that one in 10 UK homes will have a roof based SES. This will result in saying of upto  £900 a year for then household. The Scottish Government has a scheme promoting and proving grants for anyone using the microgenerator method for producing energy. The government are providing upto[13]  £4000, roughly 30% of the installing cost. As time goes on, more and more households will take up the idea of having PV on their roofs as time would also start running out for the targets set by the government. As UK recovers from recession presently, the young generation would see microgeneration technology as a attractive prospect(also the grant to cover the capital cost) as we might go through another recession in the next ~40 years and being about to reduce your bills in the recession, majorly helps out a household. 2.2 Economic: Prices of non-renewal fuel and average income This section of this report contains analysis of the effect of an increase in the cost of non renewal fuel and a increase in energy bills. It also reflects on the factors influencing financial the decision to invest into a microgeneration technology. A domestic household in the UK uses up about 1.5 to 3kW [13], and solar panels can roughly 50% of the domestic energy requirement. Presently most of the electricity using in the UK is produced by the burning of oil, natural gas and coal. This means an increase in a selling price of oil, natural gas or coal would directly increase the energy bills of a UK household. Figure 1.0 shows the increase and decrease of oil prices in the UK. The X-axis should a time line and the Y-axis shows price/gallon. In the year 2008, energy bills were considered to be at their highest point, especially August 2008. In the next 18 to 20 months, the wholesale price for oil, natural gas and coal fell by 15% 20%. This resulted in Figure 1 Graph displaying the average oil price/month from 2005 ~2010 [14]. In the year 2008, energy bills were considered to be at their highest point, especially August 2008. In the next 18 to 20 months, the wholesale price for oil, natural gas and coal fell by 15% 20%[15]. This resulted in the decrease of electricity prices by a similar margin for retailers. As we continue for relay on limited non-renewal fuels to provide energy, eventually the price of non-renewal fuels will increase, also increasing the average energy household bill. This drive in prices will result in an increase of the usage of renewal fuels, and over time the capital cost to setup will reduce due to improvements in technology, increase in efficiency and competition. New customers in the solar industry will mean a much needed funding will start becoming available in order to research further, the field of solar technology and also lead to a clean fuel based UK. 2.3 Social: Awareness about clean fuel This part of the report reflects on the present efforts being made in order to raise awareness about renewal/clean fuel in the British society. The report also reflects upon the effects of non-renewal sources of energy and their effect on the climate, e.g. Global warming. It is believed that if all of the sunlight reaching planet earth each day was converted into electricity, then the amount of electricity produced would be same as supporting the energy consumption on planet earth, many times over the usual consumption. More and more energy consumers across UK are now keen on using renewal sources of energy. This is due to the various publicity campaigns on saving energy and recycle waste making the public a lot more conscious about their behaviour towards the environment. Things such as the melting of polar ice caps due to global warming and extinction of species of various animals due to unsustainable environment has raised some important questions about human behaviour towards the environment. Figure 2 shows that change in average temperature of Central England compared to the average Global temperature. Figure 2 shows a steady increase in temperature in Central England. It is further expected that the average temperature will rise by 1.4 to 5.8 ° C [16] by the end of the 21st century. In order to keep living in a sustainable environment, we need to change our habits: Recycle close to 100% of the waste Raise awareness about sustainable environment in schools and offices. Use energy saving methods while carrying out day to day tasks. Increase in media coverage about the latest developments in the environment. Better grants and facilities available for a domestic user to switch to solar energy from a non-renewal source of energy. More and more people are now trying their best to reduce their carbon footprint to its minimum. There are various tools available which help you calculate your carbon footprint. Using energy saving light bulbs. Figure 5 provides some evidence that the British people are becoming educated about sustainable living and changing their habits as the carbon dioxide emission is on a decrease. Government is now also educating school children on green fuels and the effects of global warming on our environment by making it part of their education system. This is exceptionally good since those children will already be aware of the issues affecting our environment and will prefer renewal sources of energy as they are aware of the impact on non-renewal sources of energy on the environment. The market prospect looks positive for renewal sources of energy in the next decade, as various projects raise awareness about the effects of carbon dioxide emission on our environment. Both the domestic and the industrial sector are now changing their behaviours towards the environment and government across the world are seriously promoting renewal sources of energy as our environment could be in jeopardy if nothing was done to sustain it. 2.4 Technology: Efficiency rate One of the reasons people do not readily take to renewal sources of energy such as solar power is because they do not consider them to be 100% reliable and have a low efficiency rate (converting solar into electricity). Since 1860, scientists have been trying to address the problem of efficiency rate for solar energy. The solar technology has advanced many folds since 1860, which have made SES, affordable, reliable and low maintenance. Solar technology has been integrated with the thermal-chemical technology [18] in order to increase its efficiency. This hybrid allows users to store heat energy from the sun and convert it to electricity whenever required. This prevents from the loss of heat which was a major problem with traditional SES as they use to lose heat if it was stored for later use. Another advancement in the solar industry has been of the development of the Power Sticker. A power sticker boosts the energy output of a SES by up to 10% [19]. A power sticker sticks on top on a solar cell and prevents solar light from reflecting off from the top of a cell hence trapping the maximum about of sun light. MAKE MY OWN GRAPH ON THE NUMBER OF SES EXPECTED TO BE SOLD BASED ON OIL PRICE [1] [2] y_to_electrical_energy [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] The Microgeneration Certification Scheme. (2009). Welcome to the Microgeneration Certification Scheme website [online]. Available from: [cited 23/02/09] [9] [10] Department for Business Enterprise Regulatory Reform. (2009). Renewable Energy [online]. Available from: [cited 22/02/09] [11] British Wind Energy Association. (2005) BWEA press release [online]. Available from: [cited 22/02/09] [12] [14] [15];jsessionid=DB5D90222582827E01DABE3170A06719 [16] [17] [18] [19]

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 :: essays research papers

George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Who is watching us? Who judges us? And most importantly who controls us? In George Orwell’s novel 1984, Big Brother was in charge of all these crucial aspects of everyone’s lives. This book which was written long before 1984 can really take place at anytime and anywhere. The concepts and themes of this book are very real and very frightening. May be telescreens do not exist but V-chips and Pentium III computers are very much alive. Even though we live in modern times how do we know who is insane? The world is flat and the planets revolve around Earth were once sane statements. Finally do we control ourselves in this Democratic country or are we just puppets dancing to the high and powerful affluent members of our society. Or maybe G-d himself is the one who makes us do the things we do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The thought police seek out and cure the misguided people who simply think too much. They look at you minute by minute to see what you are doing and how u are doing it. I think more interesting than the thought police are the teaching of the morals of the land to the children. They are taught the ways of Ingsoc. They know right from wrong. One of Winston’s peers was taken away because his own daughter told the thought police on him. In this society children are at school more than they are even home. It is very possible to have a closer relationship with a teacher than with a parent. On top of that, Big Brother and the inner party teach that it is only “you and the party';. Meaning the party is very individualized. This allows the party to function very nicely because people do not make relationships with other people only to the party. People in Oceania are never left alone. If you are alone and you are not sleeping this would definitely be looked at by the thought police. To keep people occupied there are hate speeches in order to show your love to Big Brother and Hate to the opposing country that Oceania is at war with. Everyone has a job and they are many organizations to belong to like the junior anti-sex league.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Surveillance is a frightening thing. If you knew that everywhere you turned you were being recorded it could drive you crazy.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Course Outline of Production Operation Management

ARID AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY, RAWALPINDI MGT- 696 â€Å"Operations Management† BBA–6 (A & B Sections) Spring 2013 Visiting Faculty Member:M. Javed Akhtar Ex- General Manager Training, OPF Ex-Director Gneral, NAVTEC Head Office Prime Minister's Secretariat [email  protected] com Office Contact/Timings: 051-2541041 (direct), 0300-5338951(Cell) (0800 Hrs. to 1500 Hrs. ) Course Coordinator Mr. Irfanullah Munir The Prologue This three credit Hrs. course is designed for services and manufacturing sectors, basically, meant for defining the real meaning of the Operations Management in any given organization.The primary objective of the course is to provide the students with an understanding of the theories, models, problems, issues, and techniques related to the management of operations both in manufacturing and service sectors. This includes analyses of various tasks performed and decisions made by operation managers, both tactically and strategically. The operations function plays a vital role in achieving a company’s strategic plans. Since the operations function produces the goods and provides the services, it typically involves the greatest portion of the company mployees and is responsible for a large portion of the firm’s capital assets. It has a major impact on quality and is often the visible face of company with which the customer must deal. Customer service, product/service, quality issues, and the effectiveness of many customer interactions are all operations activities. In the face of increased international competition, Pakistani firms have lost market share and have not responded by working to improve both their operating efficiencies and the quality of their goods and services.With this renewed emphasis on operations, it has become increasingly important that students have an understanding of operations management and its significance to the success of the companies where they will work. To gain a competitive edge, Pakistani organizations need sound production/operations strategies. This is particularly true today, given the pressures of global competition and the need to satisfy ever more demanding customers. Operations functions appear as a powerful tool for achieving organizational objectives and strategies. Learning ObjectivesThe aim of this course is to provide a clear, well-structured and interesting treatment of Production/Operations Management as it applies to a variety of businesses and organizations. The course is intended to provide both a logical path through the activities of operations management and an understanding of the strategic context in which operations managers’ work. †¢ Strategic in its perspective of operations management’s contribution to the organization’s long-term success. We are unambiguous in treating the operation function as being at the center to most organization’s drive to improve their competitiveness. Conceptual in the way it explai ns the reasons why operations managers need to take decisions in each activity. Although some quantitative techniques are included, their primary aim is to illustrate the underlying principles of operation decisions. †¢ Comprehensive in its coverage of the significant ideas and issues which are relevant to most types of operations. †¢ Practical in the sense that the issues and difficulties in making operations management decisions in practice are discussed, and generally the treatment of topics reflects actual operations practice.This course is practical also that Case Exercise illustrating the approaches taken by actual companies are used to illustrate operations issues. Attendance Policy As you may all know very well by this time that the University (FUU) adheres to very strict attendance policy (i. e. minimum 75% mandatory attendance). As usual roll will be taken at the beginning of each class meeting. No one will be allowed to enter the classroom five minutes after the class starting time since it cause interruptions in the class activities. Professional conduct is expected throughout the course.Besides this, It is assumed that you have read all the policies and guidelines of the University regarding attendance, academic dishonesty, deadlines and so on and so forth Team Work There will be substantial Team work in this class. This is the need of today’s corporate world, and we have to learn how to pull our right slack while working in teams. Instructor as well as fellow team members, at end of the course, will evaluate each team member. Part of the grade of the team project(s) will be dependent on peer evaluations which is only for the developmental purposes and will be kept strictly confidential.Unannounced Quizzes There will be minimum four unannounced quizzes taken randomly throughout this course. Three best will be considered for grading. These quizzes will be handed out in the beginning of the class meetings and if you are late in clas s, you will miss that quiz. There are absolutely no make ups for these quizzes. Case Studies There may be cases assigned to groups and these cases will be resolved in team efforts. A short written report will be required along with the presentation of that case.Presenters will play the role of Management Consultants and the class will act as Board of Directors and will interact with the consultants at the end of the presentation to express their concerns and opinions. Term Project or Book Review You will be given case study or in lieu thereof book reviews relevant to the field of OM, Subject to availability of time. When awarded, details will be discussed in the class. Industrial Visit/Seminar An industrial visit and/or a seminar relating to the subject matter would be arranged. Grade Allocation and Breakdown |Weightage suggested by DBA |Weightage suggested by Teacher| |Unannounced quizzes/Book Review |10% |10% | |Assignment(s) / presentation / participation/discipline |15% |15% | | Midterm Examination |25% |25% | |Terminal / Final Examination |50% |50% | Course Contours and Schedule ? Current Academic Session 4th March 2013 onward ? Class Work32 Lectures (16 weeks) Teaching Time 48Hrs. 1st Week: ? Production and Operations Management: An Overview 2nd Week: ? Production System : Issues and Environment 3rd Week: ? Total Quality Management 4th Week: ? Need and Importance of Forecasting 5th Week: ? Qualitative Methods of Forecasting 6th Week: ? Quantitative Methods of Forecasting 7th week: ? Capacity Planning 8th Week: ? Facilities Planning ? Mid-term Examination 9th Week: ? Work System Design 10th Week: ? Managing Information for Operations System 11th Week: ? Aggregate Production Planning 12th Week: ? Just-in-Time (JIT) 13th Week: ? Scheduling & Sequencing 14th Week: ? Issues in Materials Management 15th Week: Independent & Dependent Demand Inventory System 16th Week: ? Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)/Computers in OM ** ? Final Examination (date to be announc ed later on) Recommended Readings Supplementary Readings | | IMPORTANT NOTE: ? The course outline is subject to change to a tune of about 10% if need arise. ? ** Subject to availability of time, the topics of â€Å"Advanced Manufacturing Systems† and â€Å"Computers in Operations Management† will also be covered. ———————– Issues in Production/ Operations Management Forecasting Operations System Design Planning & Scheduling Materials Planning Emerging Issues in OM**

Friday, November 8, 2019

Testing Employees for Drugs essays

Testing Employees for Drugs essays Testing employees for the use of drugs, regardless of the occupation, has been a controversial issue for years. Obviously, those who use drugs, including those not considered hard drugs such as marijuana, feel that it is a violation of their right to privacy. And they are right! However, that is only viewing this issue from a deontological perspective. The utilitarian perspective offers quite a different view. From this perspective, drug testing the employees of a company is the solution that is for the greater good for the greatest number of people for the longest amount of time. Imagine if drug testing did nor exist. Chances are that eventually an incident such as an airplane pilot overdosing on drugs would occur, producing devastating results. Therefore, there are certain occupations that are required to undergo mandatory drug testing. The drug testing of millions of transportation workers-largely bus and truck drivers, airline flight crews and mechanics, and a variety of r ailroad workers-is required by the government in the name of public safety. Its easy to see why employers are concerned about their employees using drugs. Compared with the overage employee, recreational drug users are more than two times more likely to be late for work, almost four times more likely to injure themselves or others in the workplace, and five times more likely to file a workers compensation claim. For the small price of a drug test employees can gain much more security and have that added insurance that they will be able to operate a safer and more efficient workplace As the articles continues to state, drug testing is not as simple as it may appear. Employers are not able to just send their employees down the street to the local testing facility for drug tests. For example, Connecticut has many rules and regulations regarding drug testing. Many of these regulations exist due to the in...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Communication in health care setting Essays

Communication in health care setting Essays Communication in health care setting Paper Communication in health care setting Paper Within any health and social care setting, interpersonal communication is vital between service provider and service user. During the process of interpersonal communication, there is always a sender, which sends a message across and a receiver on the opposite end to give feedback/reply. It was mentioned by Podmoroff (2013) that interpersonal communication skills are learned and can be improved. There are many methods and techniques that can be carried out to deliver appropriate interpersonal communications between individuals. Effective interpersonal communication skills between health care provider and patient is an important element for improving patient satisfaction, treatment compliance, and health outcomes (reference manual,1999) relating it back to the case study regarding Anna, it shows that there was poor and inappropriate interpersonal communication skills being demonstrated by the Dr, this resulted to incorrect treatment; leaving the service users disappointed, unhappy and unsatisfied with the service provided. For example, proper training can be delivered to service providers / staff every year, this would enhance skills already obtained, and improve services given to service users. Research indicates health counseling and education, as well as provider-patient interactions and communication, can improve interpersonal communication greatly. (Fallowfield 1998) Within any health and social care environment, there are many strategies put into place to support a number of servicer users; which cater to specific communication needs. These communication needs apply to those who are visually impaired, have the inability to speak or have hearing loss to name a few. In an healthcare environment, specific services are available for each specific need, for example some service centers provide language aids i.e. Braille for the blind. Other services provided are signing, Makaton; advocacy, interpretation, translation ( Edexcel,2010) which all cater to individuals with specific communication needs. In many health and social care setting there are a variety of service users who are all from different ethnic background and groups. Within todays society cultural norms and values are respected within society, as well as religion which is a sensitive factor and is key within the health care setting. Strong values and beliefs is an aspect of health care setting. For instance a muslim service user, request for halal meals as thats what the religion  require, it is only fair for the hospital or service provider to be able to provide the service user with their choice. Another influential factor is language some service user are unable to communicate effectively in the native language (english in this case), which may eventually lead to complications in putting forward feelings which normally ends up in breach of communication with health care provider / professional. Kingoloj (2013), mentioned in an article that The Department of Health ensures that when information is provided to the service users in leaflet form, that it is imperative to be distributed and be readily available in different language; in order to aid a vast majority. Additionally, the National Health Service (NHS) is known to provide translators if needed, this improved service delivered to clients. Other factors which influences the communication process within a health and social care environment include: age, sexuality, ethnicity, gender, education and social class.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Qualitative Research Designs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Qualitative Research Designs - Assignment Example The research design used by the researchers for this study is review of the existing literature because the aim of the researchers was to gain an insight into the issue and explore it in its depth. Qualitative research designs have always been used on a wide scale to conduct nursing related studies (Polit & Beck, 2012). The research design used for this particular study appears to be appropriate because review of the existing literature always provides some good amount of information that can be used for any qualitative studies. There were no apparent ethical issues for this research as the researchers did not involve general public. Rather they made use of the existing literature to base their conclusions. All literature used in the study is properly cited and referenced, thus, no issue of copyright exists as well. If the study design would have been quantitative, the researchers would have followed a systemic process to gather information. Moreover, there would also have been some test relationships and an analysis of the cause and effect relationships. Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapter 20, â€Å"Qualitative Research Design and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Competitive advantage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Competitive advantage - Essay Example If the workers end up producing products that are below quality expectations, then their pays are reduced accordingly. This helps to promote a sense of owning the company’s operations and workers are given a datum to define how their roles affect the company’s outcomes. While Nucor does promote ownership and a greater sense of responsibility but all individuals might not eye the situation on the same footing. Some workers may be disappointed when they discover the blunt side of Nucor’s policy and may rush to other jobs where a fixed salary structure is available. Moreover, certain people in Nucor’s work environment may cause problems for others in an attempt to be more productive. Problems may include workplace politicisation, espionage etc. though this is a remote possibility. Primarily Nucor relies on an innovative payment package for the baseline workers as an incentive. Workers are paid by the hour for fixed salary plus bonuses. Moreover, the company shares its profits with these workers too. This makes Nucor one of the best paymasters in the market. There are no unions at Nucor although Nucor does not discourage unions. Similarly, Nucor has placed the names of its workers in its financial report in order to recognise their services. The pays for workers and executives is nearly the same as the workers can earn a lot while the executives are not paid excessively. Moreover, the executives are not given any benefits or perks just like the workers. This helps to promote equality which serves as an incentive too. Nucor should not try to hire temporary, part time or virtual workers to get their job done. The biggest power that Nucor has over its employees is their sense of ownership of the entire process at Nucor. This applies equally well to both workers and executives alike. The associations formed with the company have helped Nucor grow over the years. Expecting temporarily placed workers to do the same is unrealistic. Using